Monday, September 24, 2012

edimensional AudioFx headset - Adjusting the volume so your ears dont bleed

I've had one hell of a time with this headset.  Master volume for the system would be almost as low as it would go and I felt like i was going to loose my hearing.

It was either on and ear bleeding or off.

Finally on my 3rd time through downloading and installing the software i noticed under its own software was a settign to adjust output device.

Their software under control panel is called USB PnP Sound Device.

Launch this and on the main setting tab will have different sectioned off panes.  Look at the Output Device.
Click the Sound icon volume.  it will then display a slider for left/right.  For me the sweet spot was -30db on both.

Doing this puts the headset back at a normal volume that wont lead you to shouting at your co-workers from lack of hearing.

Hope this helps.