I had previously rooted my droidx and installed a early gingerbread rom so i was way back on the version.
Almost all of the information I used was from rootzwiki.com.
First step that I needed to do was get my phone to the latest gb build. At the time of writing this it was 605.
The sbf files that i used only got up to 602.
Great Guide is here.
After installing and logging into the phone i performed an OTA to get to 605.
Once that rebooted i ran the one click Root.
I initially had issues getting clockwork recovery to work. Previously i had the free version of droid2 boot strap from the devs personal website i believe. That is no longer available for dowload there. The old apk i had installed but wasnt working for reboots.
Was only stock recover. So i bite the bullet and bought it from the Market for $3
After that rom manger was working and it rebooted into clockwork recovery.
The rom i'm using now is the Encounter ICS beta 3. Rootzwiki has a great write up on it with file and gapp to flash as well.
Rebooting into clockwork recovery I previously did not wipe the cach or factor wipe it. This was really needed.
Install from here takes about 4 mins maybe.
Phone starts up with a new interesting loading screen and will take about 30 seconds to load. If it keeps going on and on for a few mins more than likely you didnt wipe it and the cache. Follow the guide and be sure to get the 3 things they list.
Phone will start up with the new log in screen. Then the fun Verizon activation if you have that carrier.
Currently in beta 3 there are only a few minor things to me that are not working.
Camera. I think if this gets the drivers for this phone worked out this will be the perfect rom to use. I can wait it out : ) so far its stable and perfect.
For Netflix dont grab the apk from the market. When a movie plays the sound is perfect but the video is a black screen. Search the thread for netflix and it has some info for netflix to get it working. It is working now for me.
last issue is usb storage when you plug the phone into a computer. It shows the drive but will not let you open the drive. On the apps menue look for USB Mass Storage. run that and all will be good.
Over all i like it a lot over Gingerbread. Each release by google always improves in my own opinion. Its a shame moto isnt having an offical ICS for the droidx that I know of. It can handle it from my usage and would be great for others to have.
Since the phone i have is still under that lovely 2 year contract i'm sure its to get people to upgrade and not waste their time in making it work.
If you want to test this out go for it but you do it at your own risk.
Just in case most droid x phones on craigslist were running 80 to 160. just in case you mess it up so bad you have to get a replacement.
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